26er-Ring, a ring road around the city centre named after a historic tram line. From 1925 to 1945, line 26 ran in a ring along the following route:
Ammonstraße - Könneritzstraße - Marienbrücke - Antonstraße - Glacisstraße - Albertbrücke - Sachsenallee - Günzstraße - Lennéstraße - Gellertstraße - Wiener Straße.
From 1976 there was another line 26, but it only travelled about 3/4 of the way around this ring: Zschertnitz - Parkstraße - 26er-Ring clockwise to Sachsenallee - Johannstadt. After various route changes, the line was finally cancelled in 2000. The name "26er-Ring" is still used colloquially today despite the absence of line 26. |
Abenteuerspielplatz Panama (Adventure playground), The ASP PANAMA is a play area for children and young people aged 6 and over with free offers in various areas: crafts, animals, building, crafts, running around and much more. The variety of offerings at the adventure playground ranges from handicrafts such as leather, clay, wool, wood and metal processing to working with animals (animal-assisted pedagogy). The animal area also includes the daily care and maintenance of the animals. The place is operated by Treberhilfe Dresden e.V. |
Advanta-Riegel, see Haus am Zwinger (House at the Zwinger) |
Äußere Neustadt, siehe Special panel Outer New Town |
Alaunplatz, large rectangular green belt at the edge of the Outer New Town, predominantly meadows (for the many dog owners in this district), arranged partly park-like. Local recreation area of the New Town people in the north of their district, in the south are the rose garden and the Elb meadows. With festivals like the BRN also place of event. |
North-South axis of the Outer New Town and one of the main tavern/pub miles of this quarter.
South of the road Louisenstraße also shopping street with many individual shops, in the northern section is the catering trade at home. Here a selection: Main attraction is the complex reorganized and "popig" arranged Art yard (Kunsthof) with various little shops as well as the adjacent Yard of the animals (Hof der Tiere). Tavern visitors should come by tram because of missing parking facilities. In 2004 the southern section between the roads Bautzner Straße and Louisenstraße were transformed on a length of 440 m into a "traffic-calmed down" shopping area. |
Albertbahnhof, see Kohlebahnhof (Coal railway station) |
Albert bridge, which became the most eastern of the city center bridges leading across the river Elbe and was built in 1875-77 by Karl Manck. It is 316 m long and covers 4 currents and 5 bank bows. Destroyed in 1945 , it was named after the reconstruction "Brücke der Einheit" (bridge of the unity);, since 1990 again its original name. |
Albert port, established in 1891-96 in connection with the re-organization of the Dresden station landscape, the excavation of the 1000 x 150 m of large basin was used for the hump of the marshalling yard Dresden Friedrichstadt. The port buildings developed in 1895, in 1910 and in the 1930's and 1950's. In the last years the basin on 900 x 70 m was made smaller.
Operator is the Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe GmbH (SBO, Saxonian inland ports upper Elbe) [], a 100% daughter of the Free State Saxonia, which operates Riesa and Torgau and [via its 100% daughter Cesko saske pristavy s.r.o.(CSP)] the Czech ports Decín and Lovosice.
At the east end of the harbor basin there is a small open air museum with the barge "Waltraut" (1913), railway carriage (1910), ships and a crane from Eberswalde (1965).
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established in 1569-63 by Paul Buchner as armoury and arsenal in Renaissance style , converted in the middle of the 18th and end of the 19th century. The four-wing building is only used as a museum since its remodelling in 1884-87 by Carl Adolph Canzler, today are the the Gallery New Masters and the Sculpture Collection in the building.
From 2006 to mid-2010, the Albertinum was extensively renovated according to a concept by Berlin-based Büros Staab Architekten. The inner courtyard was completely roofed over and storage rooms and restoration workshops were installed. Caspar David Friedrich |
place at the seam between the Inner and Outer New Town, classizist round place plant, originally established on the grounds of the in 1812 down-torn fortress buildings in place of the "Black Gate" and in 1829 named to Bautzner Platz. The idea of the place, on which 12 roads flow, goes back to Thormeyer.
The place was back designated in 1871 in Albertplatz, in 1945 in "Platz der Roten Armee" (place of the Red Army) and 1946 in "Platz der Einheit" (place of the unity) and in 1991 again in Albertplatz. The place is framed in open building method by buildings of different eras: classizist and buildings of art nouveau stand here in relative unity with disks buildings of the WBS 14,40 at the south and north side as well as office buildings of the "Post-Change" time at the west and east edge. The former administration building of the DVB AG is significant, the in 1929 by Hermann Paulick established oldest "multistoried building" of Dresden and the exemplary reorganized building of the cooperative bank, the in 1902-03 built mansion Villa Eschebach. Until 1945 the Albertheater stood at the north east corner of the place.
In the midst of the circular place, separated by a modern tram- stop plant are the two fountains "quiet water" (eastern side) and "stormy waves" (west side). They were created in 1893/94 by |
Albertstadt see Special Page Albertstadt |
Albert theatre, also Neustädter Schauspielhaus, functioned until 1913 as "royal Schauspielhaus". The in 1871-1873 by Bernhard Schreiber established theatre with 1400 seats, in the style of the Neo renaissance, possessed towards the place Albertplatz a well arranged front with a two floor entrace hall and well inserting figures and relief decoration. Since 1937 it became known as "theatre of the people", until it burned out during the bomb night in 1945 and was torn down in 1948. |
Albrechtburg [City of Meißen],
it is besides the famous porcelain a further landmark Meissens. The Albrechtsburg is the first castle in the German-speaking countries and was built from 1471 to 1524 under the direction of Arnold of Westphalia for the owners Ernst and Albrecht von Wettin in the late gotic style.
In 1865 to 1870 the Albrechtsburg was comprehensively reorganized and restored, and two years later the interiors experienced a new artistic organization. Since the 800-years-celebrations of the Saxonian ruling family Wettin in 1889 the Albrechtsburg is used as museum. |
Albrechts castles, the 3 Albrechts castles (from west to east and from Elbperspektive listed from left to right) Schloss Albrechtsberg, Lingnerschloss (also called the mansion Villa Stockhausen) Villa Stockhausen and Schloss Eckberg are on the western end of (Upper)Loschwitz, in the transient area to the Preußischen Viertel (Prussian quarter) of the Dresden New Town. |
Alte Apotheke [Stadt Radebeul], Restaurant in the historic building of the former Jässingsches Gut am Anger in (Alt-)Kötzschenbroda. The oldest pharmacy in the Lößnitz region was located here between 1760 and 1772, followed by a material goods store until the GDR era. In 2002, a restaurant was opened here, whose name is a reminder of the pharmacy's tradition. |
Alte Heeresbäckerei (Old army bakery), see Heeresbäckerei (army bakery) |
Alte Kirche Klotzsche (Old Church of Klotzsche),
1321 first mention of the villagechurch in Klotzsche. In 1810/11 the today classic hall church with its two story galleries on three walls was build as replacement for the building that burned down in 1802. It contains one wooden pulpit altar composed in white an gold as well as an altar crucifix with a stand out of alabaster. The old church belongs together with the Christ Church (Christuskirche) in Königswald to the parish Klotzsche. |
Alte Mensa,
The second largest canteen at Dresden University of Technology. It is run by the student union.
The canteen was opened in 1925 as the first of its kind in Germany. Following extensions in the 1930s, it was expanded to its current size at the end of the 1950s. After the extension, the building complex temporarily housed the rectorate of the TU. The building complex was extensively renovated in 2004-06. |
Originally an independent town on the right Elbe bank within the area of today's Inner Neustadt . Altendresden probably goes back to a Slavic settlement and was first mentioned in 1350 in the feudal book of Margrave Friedrich III. the strictness is mentioned as an independent settlement Antiqua Dressdin. In 1403, the place received a city charter, albeit with restrictions, and its own parish church, first mentioned in 1421, from which today's Dreikoenigskirche emerged. In 1549 Altendresden was united with Dresden. In 1685 a city fire destroyed what was now the district; in addition to a few residential buildings, only the Town Hall and the Jägerhof survived the catastrophe. The reconstruction was carried out according to plans by the senior architect Wolf Caspar von Klengel. In 1732, an electoral document named the district that was being rebuilt Neue Stadt bei Dresden, which gave rise to the name Neustadt. The central street of the district became the magnificently constructed Hauptstrasse, which runs from Neustaedter Market led to the Black Gate. |
Alter Annenfriedhof (Old Annen cemetery), cemetery of the church Annenkirche at the Chemnitzer road, the larger New Annenfriedhof is at the road Kesselsdorfer Straße. |
Alter Jüdischer Friedhof (Old Jewish cementery), disposed in 1751 outside of the city and is today the oldest jewish cemetery in Saxony still in place. After opening of the new jewish cemetry in Dresden Johannstadt in 1869 the graveyard, that is situated today between Pulsnitzerstraße and Prießnitzstraße, was closed. The impressing construction with its partially wheatered and ivyentwined graves can be visited after advanced notification (). |
Alter Katholischer Friedhof (Old catholic cemetery),
on the road Friedrichstraße in the quarter Friedrichstadt convenient, valuable burial places of well-known personalities.
The cemetery was created in 1721/24 for the catholic members of the Royal court, however it was used since 1738 also for civil citizens. One finds many graves of Polish emigrants, who had to flee in 1831 and found asylum in Dresden. |
Alter Leipziger Bahnhof (Old Leipzig railway station), see Leipziger Bahnhof |
Alter Schlachthof, well-known venue on the site of a former slaughterhouse on Leipziger Straße. |
Altes Gewandhaus, see Gewandhaus [1.] |
Altes Kammergutes Pillnitz (Old Pillnitz Chamber Estate), see Kammergut Pillnitz |
Altes Rathaus,
the really old medieval town hall from the 13th century stood on the north-west side of the old market
and was demolished in 1707 under pressure from August the Strong. Its ground plan was modelled on the new paving of the square.
2.the so-called "Old Town Hall" (also Altstädter Rathaus) located on the north-west side until 1945. It was built in 1741/45 according to plans by Johann Christoph Knöffler by combining several residential buildings. The remodelling carried out by master builder Johann Gottfried Fehre resulted in a uniformly baroque overall impression. Today, the head building erected as the HOWA department stores' and a section of the residential and commercial row of the new development from 1953/54 stand here and on the site of the neighbouring former Löwenapotheke. |
Altfranken (district) see Special page Ortschaft Altfranken |
Altmarkt (Old market),
central rectangular place of the city, mentions for the first time in 1370. Here stood amongst other things the famous department store Kaufhaus Renner with the first escalator in Dresden, the so called Alte Rathaus (old city hall) and other buildings in baroque style, in addition, less substantial bank building in the period of promoterism style.
After its complete destruction in 1945 the place and at its west and eastern side was enlarged in 1953-56 in the so called "Stalinbarock" style by Herbert Schneider and Johannes Rascher. The north side was closed 1960-69 with the culture palace (Kulturpalast), the south side partly cultivates south side at the end of the 1990's. The completion of the south side is expected in the next few years: a seven-storey 4-star hotel is to be built on the site of the old Renner department store from April 2008. The investor is the Berlin company Prajs & Drimmer Also in the "Stalinbarock": the old market eastern side. On the old market takes place the Dresden Striezelmarkt (Germany's oldest Christmas market), a spring and an autumn market as well as smaller weekly markets. The so far cultivated the place is sourrounded by attractive shops and increasingly by restaurants, bars and pubs also in the external area. Von April 2022 bis Oktober 2023 wird der Altmarkt erneut umgebaut. Das komplette unterirdische Leitungsnetz zur Ver- und Entsorgung wird erneuert und erweitert. Der Platz erhält neues, barrierefreies Pflaster. Für den Striezelmarkt 2022 wurden die Bauarbeiten unterbrochen. Due to the construction of an underground car park, no markets took place on the Altmarkt in 2007/08. The partly controversial square design according to plans by gmp architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners was completed by autumn 2008. The Altmarkt will be remodelled again from April 2022 to October 2023. The entire underground supply and disposal network will be renewed and expanded. The square will receive new, barrier-free paving. Construction work was interrupted for the Striezelmarkt 2022. |
Altmarkt-Galerie / Old market gallery,
in the inner court of the western land development of the Altmarkt developed in the last years an enormous shopping centre. The, during the first re-construction in the 1960's left open lanes (Tuchmacher- Scheffel- and Zahnsgasse) were now included into the existing Webergasse. Owner was the ECE Projektmanagement G.m.b.H. & Co. KG. If one regards the area historically, the gallery takes practically the entire interior of the western medieval old part of town (Altstadt), while the edges of this quarter are formed by buildings of the 1950's and 60's.
The opening took place on the 18/09/2002, the complex encloses approx. 26,000 m² on 4 levels, included approx. 2,000 m² for catering trade, services and retail trade (over 100 specialist shops).
Extension plans |
Altstadt / Old town, 1. Stadtbezirk Altstadt (municipal district) 2. Gemarkungen Altstadt I und Altstadt II (boundary) 3. Quarter Inner Old Town (historic town centre, area medieval Dresden) |
Altstadt I see SSpecial Page definition Altstadt |
Altstadt II see Special Page definition Altstadt |
Altstädter Rathaus (Old town hall), see Altes Rathaus |
Altstädter Wache (Olt town guard), built in 1830-32 after plans by Karl Friedrich Schinkel in the style of Berlin's classicism, in 1945 destroyed and in 1955-56 rebuilt. Today the building is used by the advance booking office of the "Dresden theatres" and as a Café. |
AMD Saxony, see Globalfoundries, Fab 1. |
Amerikanische Kirche, 1883/84 by F.W.O. Dögel in the Südvorstadt in neo-Gothic style with three naves and a tower in front on the street side. The church burned down in 1945, but the tower and outer walls were almost undamaged. After rejection of reconstruction plans, the ruins were blown up in 1959. |
Advanced Mask Technology Center GmbH & Co. KG,
was created in June 2002 as a joint venture in equal parts by the enterprises Advanced Micro Devises Inc., DuPont Photo-masks Inc. and Infineon Technologies AG.
With the AMTC a centre for the development and pilot production of future masks for the optical lithography, leading world-wide, was developed. Until end 2004 140 workers, above all high-specialized engineers, will work here. Customer proximity and the possible use of Know How from the wafer production were location-crucial for Dresden. The factory was established in 2002/2003 after drafts of the HWP planning company in Stuttgart in the airport park, in direct proximity to the production plants by AMD and Infineon, in the north of Dresden. Today, AMTC is a joint venture between Globalfoundries and Toppan Photomasks. |
Amtsgericht /County court, about the earlier County court at the Sachsen Allee see regional court, the current County court is located in the road "Berliner Straße". |
An der Herzogin Garten / At the duchess' garden, Name of a street that borders the Duchess Garden to the north-west. |
Neo-Baroque single-nave central building without a tower, built in 1901/02 by Oskar Kaiser. This building was only intended as an interim solution; the First World War and the subsequent crises prevented the planned larger new building. St Andrew's Church burned down in 1945 and was later demolished during the demolition of Johannstadt.
The Andreaskirchengemeinde was founded in 1904 due to the increased number of members by being separated from the Tritiatiskirchengemeinde. After the destruction of the church, it merged with the Erlöserkirchgemeinde (see Erlöserkirche) to form the Erlöser-Andreas-Kirchgemeinde, which in turn merged with the Tritiatis-Kirchgemeinde in 2000 to form the Johanneskirchgemeinde Dresden-Johannstadt-Striesen. |
Anglikanische Kirche "All Saint Church" ,
Neo-Gothic church built in 1868/69 in the Seevorstadt neighbourhood near the later main railway station for the Anglican congregation founded in Dresden in 1841. The architect of the three-aisled building with transept and free-standing south tower was August Pieper, modelled on the church of St Aubyn in London.
The church was destroyed in 1945 and demolished in 1952. |
Annenhöfe, are an office complex built in 2020/2022 with retail space on the ground floor to the west of Postplatz. The six-storey complex with the striking rounded corner on the Schweriner/Hertha-Lindner-Straße side offers office space totalling around 20,000 m², one of the tenants is the state capital's Office for Schools. |
Annenkirche (church), The church dedicated to his wife Anna in 1578 by Elector August was the first new Protestant building in Dresden. It was destroyed in the Seven Years' War and rebuilt in 1764-69 by Johann George Schmidt. It was not until 1823 that the classicist tower was added by Gottlob Friedrich Thormeyer, and in 1907-09 the interior was added by Richard Schleinitz Redesigned under Art Nouveau influence. Severely damaged in 1945, the former suburban church of the Wilsdruffer Vorstadt remained for years without a tower dome in the middle of an "AWG barn-style" church. built and now tastefully renovated post-war district. In 1997 the reconstruction was completed with the completion of the tower. |
Annenschule / Annengymnasium / Annen High School,
The Annenschule, later also known as the Annen-Realschule, Annen-Realgymnasium, or Annen-Gymnasium, was founded in 1563 by the Dresden Council. The school was initially near the Annenkirche. In 1870 she moved into the newly built schoolhouse to the southeast of the church, which was built in the Renaissance style according to the plan of the city building officer Theodor Friedrich. The school was integrated into the Seevorstadt secondary school in 1936.
In February 1945 the school building was badly damaged and the ruins stood until around 1955. After reunification, the Annengymnasium was re-established in the building of the nearby 11th POS "Aleksander Zawadzki". Today, the Dresden International School is located in the building complex, which was renovated and extended in 2007. () |
Antonstadt (district) see Special Page Äußere Neustadt (Outer New Town) |
AOK-Verwaltungsgebäude, see Ortskrankenkasse (Local health insurance) |
Art Nouveau sculpture of the Marie-Gey-Fountain on Friedrich-List-Platz created in 1910 by Georg Wrba. The model was the one in 1908 Painter who died in a riding accident Marie Gey-Heinze. |
Apostelkirche, Church Apostelkirche, built in 1927/29 after a draft by Oswin Hempel for the congregation Apostelgemeinde in Trachau which was separated already in 1908 from the Kaditzer church. |
1. Former Employment Maternistraße 17,
1925/26 im Bauhausstil errichtet, Bauherr war das städtische Hochbauamt, leitender Architekt Paul Andrae.
During the GDR era, the building housed the SED party school for the Dresden district, After the fall of communism, it functioned as a “house of culture and education”, in which, among other things, the “theater 50” and the "Dresdner brett'l" were located. In 2001/02 it was completely gutted, renovated in accordance with listed buildings and reopened in 2002 with the theater Wechselbad as a culture and congress center. The building is being marketed by ORPHÈE Event GmbH, which also operates the theater. 2. The current employment agency on Budapester Straße, a simple new building from the post-reunification period. |
Archaeo-Path, The Archaeo-Path Dresden is a circular hiking trail in Prohlis, Nickern and Lockwitz, which depicts the early historical development of the districts. Eleven information steles set up in urban areas provide information in text and images about the archaeological objects excavated at these locations in Prohlis and what happened there. |
Hotel opened in 1995 on Ostra-Allee, managed by Park Plaza since 1999, reopened in 2003 after major damage caused by the flood of 2002.
The hotel is known, among other things, for the striking figure of A.R. Penk on the rooftop on the corner of Ostra-Allee/Maxstraße. It has officially been called the Penck Hotel since 2018. |
Artesian well, fountain at the place Albertplatz with drinking water, the tap is at the new building behind the actual, by Hans Erlwein created fountain with its eight ionic columns on the north east corner of the place. |
Arteum, Venue in the Waldschlösschen-Areal in the cellars of the former brewery. At times, the premises housed the jazz club "Tonne". |
Asisi Factory, see Panometer Dresden |
Atelierhaus (Studio house) Gostritzer Straße 10,
Art-historically and architecturally unique place in Strehlen, built in 1927/28 by the sculptor Edmund Moeller. He lived and worked here until his death in 1958. In the following decades, the house and property became a creative space for a large number of artists, architects and designers. With the Production Cooperative for Fine Arts - Art in Building, founded in 1958, a center for building-related art was created, which set a GDR-wide standard by 1990. In 2000, Kunst + Bau eG opened here with nine modern studios.
Original sculptures by Moeller and witnesses to his artistic activities during the GDR era adorn the park-like grounds. |
Au petit Bazar (Department stores), see Kaufhaus Au Petit Bazar |
ev. church in Dresden-Plauen, established as a village church for the first time around 1150. After its destruction in the Hussit wars in 1429 new built, around 1700 and 1878 changed. In 1903 transformation of the interior by William Lossow and Ernst Viehweger in the style of the German Renaissance. The church with its interesting wooden arch is particularly worth an attendance during the Christmas season.
The community center 1912 were established by George Wrba in the reform style. |
August der Starke / August the Strong, see Friedrich August I. der Starke |
Augustus bridge,
oldest bridge location of Dresden, since the 13th century as one of the oldest stone bridges of Europe occupied, first only stone columns, later replaces by bridge arches. In 1727-31 extension by Matthäus Daniel Pöppelmann and Johann Gottfried Fehre, at the beginning of the 20th century a new built was necessary because of risen traffic under and on the bridge. During the construction period the tram drove over a wooden auxiliary bridge.
The building established by William Kreis and Hermann Klette protected the past optics. In 1945 the bridge was blown up by the SS and reconstructed in 1949 in the condition of 1910. From 1949 until 1990 its name was Georgij Dimitroff bridge. Today there are efforts, to reserve it for pedestrians, after the model of the Prague "Karl bridge", at least occasionally, e.g. during festivals and celebrations.
The Elbe floods in 2013 caused massive damage to the Augustus Bridge. In 2017, a thorough and monument-compliant repair began. |
Augustusstraße, narrow road between the Langer Gang and the Ständehaus ("Class House"), was established in the middle of the 16th century and carried first the names Elbgasse, new Elbgasse, Brückenstraße and "Am Stall". Since the time of August the Strong it was officially called Augustuststraß, but only at the beginning of the 19th century the name Elbgasse disappeared. Today the road, famous for the "Princes course", is frequented by tourist streams and by "flying dealers" with various touristic offers. |
Ausländer (Foreigners) in Dresden, see Migration |
Aussichtstürme / Observation towers, momentarily are opened the following towers: |
Ausstellungen / Exhibitions, see Special Page exhibitions |
Autobahn / motorway,
in the future 2 motorways will be tangent to Dresden: in the northwest the in 1934/37 built A4 and in the southwest the since 1998 under construction A17 to Prague.
The A4 connects Dresden in western direction with Chemnitz and/or with south and West Germany as well as starting from the triangle Wilsdruff by the branching A14 with Leipzig and Northwest Germany, in eastern direction with Goerlitz and Poland as well as starting from triangle Dresden north by the A13 beginning with Berlin and Northern Germany. On the western outskirts of the town the A17 branches towards Pirna and/or Prague at the triangle Dresden west. The in 1936 established motorway bridge of the A4 across the river Elbe was once a modern plain truss girder construction of steel, storing on granite columns. During the reconstruction works which had become necessary it was replaced in 1999 by a broader prestressed concrete bridge resting on the same columns. The motorway A17 at the south border of Dresden, which will connect the Saxonian state capital with Prague, still under construction. The route was disputed for a long time, the close-to-the-city version was the most preferred. In the Dresden city area some tunnels and bridge construction works belong to the motorway, the bridge across the Zschonergrund (230 m), which in open building method established tunnel under the Altfrankener Park (345 m), those from two tunnel tubes (tunnel Dölzschen 1070 m, tunnel Coschütz 2332 m) emerge above the Plauen ground (Plauenschen Grund) (220 m) as well as the bridge across the Lockwitz ground (723 m), the longest in the city.
Freigabetermine A17 The 19.3 km section to the border was opened to traffic on 21 December 2006 after several delays. 10 bridges were built on this last German section, including the Seidewitz (605 m) and Nasenbachtal (208 m) bridges, as well as the Bahretal and Bad Gottleuba junctions. The Czech section between the border and Usti nad Labem (Auöig) was also opened on 21 December 2006. The remaining Czech section of the Dresden-Prague motorway was opened in 2016. |
Äußere Neustadt
see Special page Äußere Neustadt (Outer New Town) |
Äußerer Plauenscher Friedhof (Outer Plauen cemetery), cemetery of the congregation of the church called Auferstehungskirche Dresden-Plauen, located at the upper part of Plauen at the road Bernhardstraße, close to the border to the district Coschütz. |