UFA-Cinema,  see Kristallpalast (crystal palace) and Rundkino
Ullersdorf (district),  district of the City of Radeberg.
Ullersdorf Mill,  1903 as a cozy tourist restaurant with a hotel on the edge of the Dresdner Heide between Bühlau and Ullersdorf were built. The Ullersdorfer Mill is also popularly known as the "Todenmühle" (death mill). From 2013 onwards it was converted into a watch manufacturer UHREN-WERKE-DRESDEN.
Ullersdorfer Platz,  Ullersdorfer Platz, part of the local district centre and of local significance Bühlau, is a round plaza with a Tram junction. On the place is also the remaining front of the former Kurhaus Bühlau.
Umgebung der Stadt / Surroundings of the town,
see Ausflugsziele / Attractions und Neighboring towns
Umweltzentrum (ecological centre),  Schützengasse, this and the joining buildings form the scenery of a urban area of the 16th Century in Dresden. The complex, which was extensively (and expensively) restored but was flooded in 2002 by the Weißeritz, But there is no longer any sign of the immense damage.

In the front building, dating back to 1650 is the popolar "Restaurant & Kneipe BrennNessel" situated. ().

Universität,  see TU und Special page Universities
Universitätsbibliothek,  in 1828 founded as library of the royal-Saxonian educational establishment. When the later polytechnic institute moves including library into a new building, it acquires a reading hall for the first time. In 1945 destruction of the by now names university library and partial loss of assets, in November new beginning with 55.000 saved volumes in some rooms of the mansion in the road Mommsenstrasse 11, approximately a 50-year long interim solution despite cultivation and use of some branch offices.

In 1996 the fusion with the Saxonian federal state library to the SLUB came into force by law, in 2002 the removal into the common new building on the road Zellescher Weg took place.

Universitätsklinikum,  University Hospital, was built in 1898-1901 by Edmund Bräter as "Städtisches Krankenhaus Johannstadt" (a hospital), in 1930 the newly built (by Paul Wolf) children's hospital housed the worldwide first "Baby Clinic" and until 1938 more clinic buildings were errected.

In 1945 parts of the Clinic were destroyed, in 1952 a refurbishment took place and the 1907 by Hans Erlwein built König-Georg-Gymnasium (a school) integrated and in 1954 the children's clinic was converted into a surgical clinic. In 1956 more add-on's followed.

The Medizinische Akademie Carl Gustav Carus (called Medak ) was founded in 1954 and joined in 1993 as Medical Faculty and University Hospital the Technische Universität Dresden (University). More building work and extension work followed, e.g. the building of the Heart Centre.

Since the 1st of July 1999 the University Hospital () and Medical Faculty () are governed seperately. The Clinic is now an institution governed under public law by des Freistaat Sachsen.

On the edge of the campus is the new building of the Medical-Theoretical Center, which houses a number of institutes from the Medical Faculty.
It was built between 1997 and 2000 according to plans by Thomas Heinle and is divided into three parts: a centrally located, light-flooded hall, the teaching area to the west of it and the U-shaped research area to the east . The MTZ received a commendation at the Erlwein Prize of the City of Dresden in 2001.

On the site of the hospital chapel consecrated in 1901, a modern pastoral care center was built in 2000/2001. The cumenical building, inaugurated in 2001, was built based on a design by the Cologne architectural firm Kister Scheithauer Gross. The church, also known as the Institution Church, was destroyed in 1945 and later demolished.

Universitätssammlungen / University collections,  the UNIVERSITY COLLECTIONS. ART + TECHNOLOGY in the AltanaGalerie of the Technical University (today the Custodian Gallery) were in the year Founded in 2003 to mark the institution's 175th anniversary. In the architecturally impressive Görges building, contemporary fine art is presented alongside exhibits from the history of technology and the latest results of the training and research that has been established in this building.
Unkersdorf (district),  see special page Unkersdorf
Unterirdische Weltenevent location in the storage rooms of the former Lockwitzgrund fruit press. Where barrels of the traditional brand used to be stored, events, parties, birthdays, bachelor parties, company celebrations and much more can now take place.

The rock grotto has an area of 500 m², which is available for individual use.

Urania,  In 1954 the “Society for the Dissemination of Scientific Knowledge” was founded in the GDR. was founded, which only adopted the suffix URANIA in 1966. After the fall of communism, Urania associations were founded at the local level, which continued to pursue the idea of popular science education. Two independent registered associations emerged in Dresden.

The URANIA - Society for the Transfer of Scientific Knowledge was an association; by people who convey scientific knowledge in a generally understandable way with the aim of promoting the humanistic, social, intellectual-cultural and ecological interests of the people of Dresden and their guests. It was resolved .

To protect the interests of citizens who are interested in popular science knowledge transfer in the fields of economics, art, culture, history, medicine (especially health education), astronomy, etc. as well as special trips (educational, cultural, language trips etc.), the URANIA Lecture Center e.V. was founded. It was set to .

Urnenhain Tolkewitz,  was created in 1911 with the construction of the crematorium, which is now a listed building, on a piece of forest around this building in the then still independent Tolkewitz.

The urn grove is a cultural monument with historical, artistic and landscape significance. It is an impressive complex of urn grove and crematorium, the origin of which is based on the design of the garden architect Willy Meyer.

Übigau (district)
see special page Übigau as well as Schloss Übigau